Shridas Ningileri

Mr. Shridas Ningileri, Director

Mr. Ningileri is the Director for the Center for Aluminum Technology. He has a Master's Degree in Technology-Metallurgy with specialization in Industrial Metallurgy from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. He has 21 years of experience in the foundry industry with expertise in all areas. He has been the Project Manager at Secat, Inc an aluminum research, development and testing organization over the past 7 years and has extensive knowledge of the aluminum industry along with its education and research needs. He is a qualified auditor for ISO and QS 9000.

Mr. Ningileri will be responsible for planning, implementing, co-coordinating and managing CAT's program and activities. He will also continue to serve as Project Manager at Secat, Inc. and will be the liaison and coordinator between CAT and Secat, Inc.